Wednesday 11 November 2009

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds is the management of container and the pattern of fund / investor capital for a group to invest in investment instruments available in the market by buying mutual fund units. These funds then managed by the Investment Manager (MI) into the investment portfolio, whether it be stocks, bonds, money market or securities / other security.

there are three important elements in terms of Mutual Fund are:

1. The existence of a collection of public funds, both individual and institutional
2. Joint investment in the form of a portfolio of securities that have diversified; and
3. Investment managers believed to be the fund manager owned by the investor community.

In mutual funds, investment management managing funds placed in securities and realize gains or losses and receive dividends or interest dibukukannya into the "Net Asset Value (NAV) fund it.

Wealth mutual funds managed by investment managers are required to be stored in the custodian banks that are not affiliated with the investment manager, custodian bank where this will act as a collective and day care administrator.

History of Mutual Funds

The first mutual fund called the Massachusetts Investors Trust, published on March 21, 1924, which only has a year of 200 mutual fund investors with total assets worth U.S. $ 392,000.

In the year 1929 when the stock market fell this mutual fund industry growth to be slowing. Responding to the collapse of the stock then the U.S. Congress issued Law Securities in 1933 (the Securities Act of 1933) and Law on Stock Exchange in 1934 (the Securities Exchange Act of 1934).

Based on the mutual fund rules must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or the SEC is usually called a commission in the U.S. who handle securities trading and capital markets. Also also, the publisher is obliged to provide mutual fund prospectus contains information to mutual fund disclosure, also includes securities which is the object under management, information on investment managers published a mutual fund.

The SEC is also involved in drafting the Act of 1940 Investment Company is a reference to the provisions which must be fulfilled for each registration fund to this day.

With the restoration of market confidence in the stock market, mutual funds began to grow and develop. Until the end of the year 1960 has been estimated there are about 270 mutual funds with funds under management of 48 trillion U.S. Dollars.

Index mutual funds were first introduced in 1976 by John Bogle with a First Index Investment Trust, which is now called the Vanguard 500 Index Fund is a mutual fund with the largest managed funds reached 100 billion U.S. Dollar.

One of the biggest contributors of the growth of mutual funds in America with the provisions on individual retirement accounts (individual retirement accounts - IRA) [1], which adds the provisions into the Internal Revenue Code (tax laws in the United States) that allow individuals (including those who already have company pension plan) to set aside for U.S. $ 4000 a year.

Characteristics of Mutual Fund

Based on the mutual fund characteristics can be classified as follows:

Open Mutual Fund
are mutual funds that can be sold back to the Investment Management Company who published it without going through the mechanism of the effect of trade on the Stock Exchange. Its selling price is usually equal to the net asset value. Most of the existing mutual fund is an open fund.

Mutual Funds Closed
are mutual funds that can not be sold to an investment management company that published it. Closed mutual fund units can only be resold to other investors through the mechanism of the Stock Exchange trading. Its selling price could be above or below net asset value.

Types of Mutual Funds

1. Fixed Income Mutual Fund.

Mutual funds that invest at least 80% of managed funds (assets) are in the form of debt securities.

2. Mutual fund shares.

Mutual funds that invest at least 80% of the funds are managed in equity securities.

3. Mixed mutual funds.

Mutual fund with a target asset allocation ratio of stocks and securities fixed income that can not be categorized into three other mutual funds.

4. Money Market Mutual Fund.

Mutual funds are investments are invested in debt securities with a maturity of less than one year.

Net Asset Value

NAV (Net Asset Value) is one measure to monitor the result of a mutual Dana.NAB per share / unit of participation is a reasonable price from a Mutual Fund portfolio after deducting operating expenses and then divided by the number of shares / units has been outstanding (investor owned) at that time.

Benefits of Mutual Funds

Mutual Fund has several benefits that make it as one of the attractive investment alternatives include:

1. Managed by professional management

The management of a mutual fund portfolio held by the Investment Manager who are specialized expertise in fund management. Investment Manager role is very important because the individual Investors generally have a limited time, so can not do research directly in analyzing the effects of price and access to capital market information.

2. Investment Diversification

Diversification, or spreading investments embodied in the portfolio will reduce risk (but not eliminate), because the funds or assets invested in mutual funds a variety of effects that the risks were too scattered. In other words, the risk is not as big a risk when buying one or two types of stocks or individual securities.

3. Transparency Information

Mutual Funds are required to provide information on portfolio development and costs continuously, so holders of Units can monitor the benefits, costs, and risks of each Fund shall saat.Pengelola announced Net Asset Value (NAV) every day in newspapers and publishing the annual financial statements prospectuses and annual and regular basis so that investors can monitor the progress of its investments on a regular basis.

4. High Liquidity

In order to be successful investments, each investment instrument must have a sufficient level of liquidity high. Thus, Investors can melt back its participation unit at any time according to provisions made by each Mutual Fund making it easier for investors manage cash. Open mutual fund shall buy back its participation unit that is very liquid.

5. Low Cost

Because the mutual fund is a collection of funds from many investors and then managed in a professional, then in line with the potential to make these investments will generate transaction costs also efficiency.

Transaction costs will be lower than if individual investors do their own transactions in the stock.

Mutual Fund Investment Risk

For mutual fund investing, investors must know the types of risks that potentially arise when buying Mutual Fund.

1. Risk reduction NAV (Net Asset Value) Units

The decrease was caused by the market price of investment instruments that are included in the Mutual Fund portfolio has decreased compared to the initial purchase price. Causes of decline in market prices Mutual fund investment portfolios may be caused by many things, among them due to stock market performance is worse, the deteriorating performance of the issuer, political and economic situation of uncertainty, and many other fundamental causes.

2. Liquidity Risk

Potential risks of this liquidity could occur if holders of Units in one mutual fund manager had to do a particular investment fund penarikkan in large numbers on the day and the same time. Term, the Investment Manager has experienced rush (withdrawal of funds en masse) of Investments mutual fund unit. This can happen if there is a negative factor that incredible affect mutual fund investors to sell back the Units mutual funds. These extraordinary factors of a political and economic situation is deteriorating, the closure or bankruptcy of several public listed company shares or bonds to the Mutual Fund portfolio, as well as the Investment Manager dilikuidasinya company as the manager of the Mutual Fund.

3. Market Risk

Market risk is the situation when the price of investment instruments has decreased due to declining performance of the stock market or bond market drastically. Another term is the market is experiencing bearish conditions, the prices of stocks or other investment instruments prices decline drastically. Market risk that occurs will indirectly lead to NAV (Net Asset Value) which is in the Mutual Fund Units will decline as well. Therefore, if you want to buy certain types of Mutual Funds, investors should be watching the market trend of the instrument itself Mutual fund portfolio.

4. Default Risk

Default risk occurs if the Investment Manager is buying the bonds of issuers that experienced financial difficulties earlier when the company's financial performance is still fine, so the issuers are not forced to pay its obligations. These risks should be avoided by choosing an investment manager purchasing strategy investment portfolio closely.

Exchange Traded Fund

Exchange traded fund (ETF) [2] is a mutual fund that is an innovation in the mutual fund industry in nature similar to a public company in which its participation units can be traded on the exchange.

This ETF is a mutual fund is a combination of closed and open mutual funds, and this ETF is a mutual fund is usually referring to the stock index.

This ETF is more efficient than conventional mutual funds as we know it today, where the mutual fund units is always a new issue every day and buy back the units sold by the holders (the investment manager to sell securities which are mutual fund assets to meet its obligation to buy units sold, while the ETF units are traded directly on the exchange every day (like a closed fund, which shall not be sold to the investment manager)

In Indonesia, this ETF is called "Mutual fund collective form of investment contracts that its participation units traded on the stock exchange", and on Monday December 4, 2006, Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam) has issued a new rule is rule number IV.B.3 on "Mutual Fund form of collective investment contract its participation units traded on the Stock Exchange".


Stock is a unit of value, or accounting in a variety of financial instruments which refer to the ownership of a company.


The first company to issue shares is expected to Stora Kopparberg 13th century.


There are several types of shares, including ordinary shares (common stock), preferred stock (preferred stock), shares of property (treasury stock), and dual-class shares (dual class stock). Preferred stock generally has a higher priority than common shares in the distribution of dividends and assets, and sometimes have the right to select a higher like the ability to veto the merger or acquisition or the right to decline when the new shares issued (ie, preferred stock pemgang may purchase shares issued as much as he wants before the stock was offered to someone else). Ordinary shares sold on the stock exchange is the common stock and preferred stock is not traded on stock exchanges. Dual-class structure has several classes of shares (for example, Class A, Class B, Class C) each with advantages and disadvantages individually. Property stocks are shares that have been bought back from the community.


Shareholders (in English: shareholder or stockholder), is a person or legal entity which legally has one or more shares in the company. The shareholders are the owners of the company. Companies listed on stock exchanges trying to improve its stock price. The concept of shareholders is a theory that the company only has a responsibility to its shareholders and owners, and should work to their advantage

Shareholders are given special rights depending on the type of stocks, including the right to vote (usually one vote per share owned) in such a selection board of directors, the rights to the distribution of corporate earnings, the right to purchase new shares issued by companies, and the right the company's assets at the time of liquidation of the company. However, shareholders rights to company assets under the company's creditors rights. This means that shareholders typically receive nothing if a company is liquidated after bankruptcy (if the company has more to pay its creditors, the company is not going bankrupt), although a stock may have a price after the bankruptcy if there is a possibility that corporate debt will restructured.

Gold Investment

Gold is used as the financial standard in many countries and is also used as jewelry, and electronics. The use of gold in the monetary and financial sector based on absolute monetary value of gold itself against various currencies around the world, although officially the world commodity markets, gold prices are listed in U.S. dollars. Form of the use of gold in the monetary field is typically in the form of bouillon or gold bars in various units of grams to kilograms weight.

Gold coins

Gold is also traded in the form of gold coins, such as the Krugerrand is produced by the South African Mint Company in various units of weight. Unit weight of a common Krugerrand is 1 / 10 oz (ounce), 1 / 4 oz, 1 / 2 oz and 1 oz. Krugerrand coin prices based on gold price movements in world commodity markets are moving on the trade of all time. Special Krugerrand coins (or so-called proof collector edition) also produced a limited basis in accordance with a specific theme. Because of limited production, the price often edition proof Krugerrand coin is more than the price of gold content of these coins depends on scarcity and condition of this particular coin. Quite popular edition and is looking for investors that includes the image issue of Nelson Mandela.

There are several countries that produce a mass of gold coins to be offered as an alternative investment, among others:

1. Australia - kangaroo
2. China - panda
3. Malaysia - kijang emas
4. Canada - maple leaf
5. Inggris - Britannia
6. Amerika Serikat - eagle dan buffalo
7. Afrika Selatan - Krugerrand
8. New Zealand - kiwi
9. Singapore - lion
10. Austria - philharmonic

Price Gold

In the long history and winding, the current gold arrived in a new period with opportunity and danger. Current gold price higher than the price of the last 17 years, soared to $ 1000 per troy ounce. (1 ounce = 31.1035 grams). However, the remaining gold to be mined is very little [citation needed] and has been squeezed from the earth with environmental recovery costs very high and not often in the poorest parts of the world.

In fact, as of March 2008, the price of gold reached U.S. $ 1010 per troy ounce (troy ounce = 31.1035 grams) averaged USD 298,000 per gram.
[edit] Estimated 2008

Gold prices rose in the year 2008 related to U.S. interest rate cut plan to return interest rates, but it was pointed out as a projection of demand in the market for gold jewelry. The same is confirmed by the National Australian Bank (NAB) on minerals and energy sectors.

Benefits and poverty

Today gold companies rush over the earth is guided by a powerful guide: the World Bank. World Bank, the main institutions that operate resolve global poverty, assume that mining companies will bring multinational investment, encouraging the development of roads, schools and jobs, to countries that do not have a lot of capital in addition to their natural resources.

World Bank work on both sides. At his urging, more than 100 state government's financial problems agreed to cut taxes and royalties to lure mining companies large, said James Otto, a visiting professor at the law school the University of Denver.

Meanwhile, the World Bank gave money to or guarantee more than 30 gold mining projects, to seek profit.

Although mine is only a small part of the World Bank's portfolio, when the accident was increased controversy broke out. In one of the worst disasters, in 1995 a mine in Guyana which are guaranteed by the World Bank shed more than 790,000 gallons of mine waste-to-child mixed cyanide Essequibo River, which is the main water source of the country.

In 2001, when World Bank president, James D. Wolfenshon, set a moratorium on mining investments for two years and ordered the preparation of a study of World Bank involvement in the industry.


Deposits is a kind of regular savings services offered by the Bank to the public. Deposits usually have a certain time period in which the money in it should not be withdrawn nasabah.Bunga deposits are usually higher than normal savings interest.